How can I track maintenance requests and issues for my condo?

"The clock has died in the Recreation Room!", "The Laundry Room carpet is soaking wet!", "The windows need to be resealed!"
Every day, property managers and condo board presidents hear these types of issues and complaints. Sometimes, it takes 6 pairs of hands to recording all the issues, to track their progress and to resolve them. That's where we come in :-)
With the eStrata Service Request module, owners and residents can:
Request maintenance or log problems
Complain about condo-related issues
Make suggestions for improvements
Request information
The nice thing about eStrata is that many of the modules are configurable. When you sign up for the eStrata app, we'll set up some standard types of Service Request for you. But once you start playing with the system, you may realize additional Service Request Types will benefit your condo board or homeowner association.
How have other condo boards/strata councils used the Service Request module?
Here are a few Types of Service Requests that other condos or homeowner associations have created to help them manage their day-to-day operations:
- Request parking permits
- Request property modifications
- Ask a question
- Create board-only action items
Some clients choose to add a small 'blurb' to their Service Request screen to give further instructions or links to necessary documents or articles.
How do I configure the Service Request module?
If you'd like to make changes to your Service Request module and don't know where to begin, give us a call at 250-514-2208 or email us any time! We're always happy to lend a hand, to answer any questions you may have, and to help get you started.
Note: In the Service Request module, all issues, resolutions, and comments are stored, archived and backed up securely.