Check out the Document Storage improvements

The Document Storage module allows you to store and organize all your documents online.
We're in the process of rolling out some great new Document Storage features to our current and future clients. To check out the new features, please try out our demo site.
We've kept all the great features we had before and have rolled out a few new ones. But more importantly, we've rolled out several improvements that give you, as a site administrator, more control over the module.
As an admin user, you can:
- Create new folders and subfolders
- Set privacy settings for each document folder. With these, you can specify who can view and upload files and who will receive a notifier when someone uploads a new file to a folder.
- Decide how to sort files within a folder - alphabetically or by date.
- Decide who can see a folder and its content. Maybe the folder is just for board members or owners, for example.
- Rename files after you've uploaded them
- Pin files to the top of a folder, making it easier for your owners and residents to find important information.