How to Use the eStrata Reservation Module: A Story of Two Perspectives

Are you a resident of a condo, strata, coop, or HOA community? Do you want to be able to book shared amenities such as the pool, the gym, or the party room for your personal use? If so, you might be wondering about the eStrata reservation system, a web-based platform that allows you to make and manage your bookings online. In this blog post, I will share with you how easy and convenient the eStrata reservation system is from the perspective of an older resident and a reservation admin (Names have been changed.)
The Resident's Perspective
My name is Alice, and I am a 75-year-old retired teacher who lives in a condo. I love living here because of the friendly neighbors, the beautiful surroundings, and the excellent facilities. One of my favorite pastimes is swimming in the pool, especially in the summer. I used to find it hard to book the pool; I had to call or visit the office, fill out a paper form, and wait for the confirmation. Sometimes, someone else had booked the time I wanted, the office was closed, or the admin was busy. It was frustrating and time-consuming.
But since my condo introduced the eStrata system, booking the pool has become much easier and faster. All I need to do is sign into the website using my email and password and bring up the reservation calendar. I can see the availability of the pool and other bookable amenities for any date and time. If the days and times I want are available, I select them, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit the request to the admin. It takes me less than five minutes to do this, and I can do it from the comfort of my home at any time of the day.
Once I submit the request, the admin gets a notification about it, and they can approve it right away or wait for some documents or a deposit from me. I can download documents from the website, such as the pool rules and the waiver form. Then, I can print, sign, and drop them off at the office. I pay the deposit by cash, cheque, or e-transfer. The admin lets me know if they need anything else, and I comply as soon as possible.
Once my request is approved, I get an email notification that my reservation is complete. I can also check the status of my reservation on the website and cancel or modify it if I need to. With the eStrata reservation module, it's easy to keep track of my bookings and plans.
I am delighted with the eStrata reservation module. It saves me time and hassle, so I spend more time swimming. It is a valuable service for the residents of our building, and I encourage everyone to use it.
The Admin's Perspective
My name is Bob, and I am a reservation admin for Alice's condo. I am responsible for managing the bookings of shared amenities, such as the guest suite, the pool, the gym, and the party room. I used to do this manually, using paper forms, phone calls, and emails. It was a lot of work and often resulted in errors, conflicts, and complaints. Sometimes, I would double-book the same amenity, forget to confirm a booking or lose a document or a deposit. It was stressful and inefficient.
But ever since we added the reservation module to our eStrata system, managing the bookings has become so much easier and faster. All I need to do is log into the website using my email and password, and I can see all the incoming requests and confirmed reservations. I can approve, reject, or modify them with a few clicks. I can also see the availability of the amenities for any date and time and make bookings for myself or other residents.
Once I approve a request, the resident will get an email notification that their reservation is complete. I can also send them a message asking them to submit documents or a deposit if needed. The eStrata reservation module makes it easy to keep track of the facilities and know who is using them.
I am pleased with the eStrata reservation system because it saves me from the aggravation of paper trails and allows me to provide a better service for the residents of my community. I think it is a fantastic tool for reservation admins, and I enjoy using it.