How to Create an Effective Condominium, HOA, or Strata Website

Developing a website for your condominium, HOA, or strata can be daunting. Many board members often ask, "We need a website, but where do we start?" This is a common challenge, regardless of the size or location of your community.

Common Roadblocks

One significant barrier is not knowing what content to include. Most board members are not web designers or tech experts, so it's understandable that creating a functional and engaging website feels overwhelming. Another common issue is relying on static websites, which don't engage users or provide updated information, leading to a drop in visits and interest over time.

The Importance of Dynamic Content

Today's users expect information to be readily accessible and regularly updated. Simply put, your residents won't frequently visit a website unless it offers them new, exciting reasons to return. To maintain engagement, your website must deliver fresh, relevant content that interests your community.

Essential Features for an Effective Website

To create a website that your owners and tenants will use regularly, focus on these key features:

News and Announcements

Document Storage

Issue Tracking

Community Listings

Amenity Bookings


Contact Details

Updating users and keeping them informed is the key to continually engaging visitors to your website. Incorporate features that automatically send email notifications when you post new content. This keeps your community informed and gives them reasons to visit the website.

Investing in the Future

Creating an effective condo website might seem time-consuming initially, but it pays off by reducing the time board members and property managers spend addressing common inqiries. Think of it as an investment in your condo board's future: a little effort now will save a lot of time down the road.


An effective condominium website can significantly enhance communication and engagement within your community. By focusing on dynamic content and essential features, you can create a valuable resource that residents will use regularly, ultimately making board management more efficient.